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arrow_back Un correo con mi password - An email with my password

en Correos Maliciosos
661 consultas

I do know your passwords (check this email subject for one of the passwords), I do know about your
daily life, I do know about your internet activities but you do not know anything about me, and you must
be wondering why you are getting this email, right? I installed a malware on the adult (porn) website
and guess what, you visited this website to have fun (you know what I mean!). While you were watching
the porn, your web browser started functioning as an RDP+keylogger, which gave me access to your
display screen and camera. Right after that, my software collected all of your contacts from your
Facebook account, Messenger account, and email account, then, I created a double screen video. The
first part shows the video you were watching (you have a nice taste lol), and the second part shows
the recording of your camera (it is you!).
You have two options -
1. First option is to ignore this email. In this case, I will send the recorded video clip of yours to all of
your contacts and just imagine the humiliation you will feel from this. Don't forget that this can also
affect your relationship as well.
2. Second option is to pay me $1000. We will call it a donation. In this case, I will right away delete your
video and all of your information I have about you (including your contact lists) and you will never hear
from me again. You can continue your daily life like this never happened.
You will make the payment via Bitcoin. If you do not know about Bitcoin, search Google for "how to buy
bitcoin". You can also get the Bitcoin from sites like Bitstamp, Coinbase, Kraken, Localbitcoins, etc.
Bitcoin (i.e. BTC) address to which you need to send is -
It is Case-Sensitive, so make sure to copy and paste it, or, you can also scan this QR image to get the BTC

If you are thinking to go to the police, good luck, I have taken every step to make sure that this email
cannot be traced back to me. You have 48 hours to pay me. I have a special Facebook pixel in this email,
and at this moment, I know that you have read this email. If you want proof, reply to this email, and I
will send your video to 4 of your contacts.

¿Recibiste este mensaje? Cuéntanos!

Nombre a mostrar (opcional):
Privacidad: Tu dirección de email sólo será utilizada para enviarte estas notificaciones.
Verificación anti-spam:
Para evitar esta verificación en el futuro, por favor, ingresa o regístrate.

1 Reporte

Mejor respuesta
Mejor respuesta
Hemos encontrado que este mensaje es un intento de engaño.
- No haga click en ningún enlace.
- No descargue ni intente abrir ningún adjunto.
- No responda al remitente.

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Esta es una base de datos de los correos y mensajes maliciosos más comunes.

Si quieres saber si un mensaje que recibiste contiene virus, por favor reenvíalo a [email protected].
Lo analizaremos, sin costo ni compromiso. 

Puedes suscribirte a los reportes periódicos para prepararte para el siguiente engaño

Si recibiste un correo sospechoso, también puedes buscarlo el asunto o el cuerpo del mensaje.

Herramientas para empresas

Escritorio remoto seguro.
Antivirus y antiRansomware.
Monitorea a tus empleados.
Parches y actualizaciones.